1936 - in this romantic crime drama, two men fight in a boxing ring. One man gets knocked to the ground and the crowd cheers.

Cote RETCIN 019245
Titre 1936 - in this romantic crime drama, two men fight in a boxing ring. One man gets knocked to the ground and the crowd cheers.
Durée 00:01:20
Date de production 1936
Mot clé arène, carton, crime, foule, combat, groupe, Peuple, Ring
Tags 1936, 1930S, Applauding, Applauds, Boxning, Cheering, Cheers, Down, Drama, Face, Falling, Falls, Fighting, Gloves, Hit, Hits, Hitting, Knocked, Knock, Male, Mat, Men, Punching, Punch, Romance, Spotlight
Résumé 1936 - in this romantic crime drama, two men fight in a boxing ring. One man gets knocked to the ground and the crowd cheers.