1926 - in this romantic comedy film, a man climbs on top of his car to nail a coffin shut that's on the roof. The car shifts into drive and the car, man, and couple in the backseat all go rolling down the hill.

Cote RETCIN 019257
Titre 1926 - in this romantic comedy film, a man climbs on top of his car to nail a coffin shut that's on the roof. The car shifts into drive and the car, man, and couple in the backseat all go rolling down the hill.
Durée 00:01:14
Date de production 1926
Mot clé automobile, voiture, Escalade, cercueil, couple, féminin, marteau, colline, homme, toit, véhicule
Tags 1926, 1920S, Climbs, Close, Comedy, Down, Downward, Drive, Each Other, Embrace, Fast, Holding, Male, Nail, Nailing, Pine, Romance, Shifting, Shift, Slow, Speeds, Speeding, Together
Résumé 1926 - in this romantic comedy film, a man climbs on top of his car to nail a coffin shut that's on the roof. The car shifts into drive and the car, man, and couple in the backseat all go rolling down the hill.