USA - 1950s - A man and woman look over furniture in a showroom; a man designs a chair.

Cote RETARC 170412
Titre USA - 1950s - A man and woman look over furniture in a showroom; a man designs a chair.
Durée 00:00:29
Date de production 1950
Mot clé Capitalisme, Stylisme, Dessin, Factories, usine, mobilier, industriel, industrie, professionnel, service public, recrutement, travail, Main d'oeuvre
Tags 1950S, Capitalists, Careers, Chairs, Designing, Domestic, Draws, Employment, Factory Workers, Furnishings, Industries, Jobs, Job Market, National Association Of Manufacturers, Occupations, Rulers, Working
Résumé USA - 1950s - A man and woman look over furniture in a showroom; a man designs a chair.