SPAIN - 1906 - As the electric puppet show begins, the carpet rolls out dramatically, revealing a stage filled with anticipation. The puppets spring to life, dancing gracefully to the rhythm of the music, enchanting the audience with their delightful movements and vibrant colors.

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Titre SPAIN - 1906 - As the electric puppet show begins, the carpet rolls out dramatically, revealing a stage filled with anticipation. The puppets spring to life, dancing gracefully to the rhythm of the music, enchanting the audience with their delightful movements and vibrant colors.
Durée 00:01:14
Date de production 1906
Mot clé Célébration, bal, électrique, divertissement, FUN, joie, vie, magie, Musique, performance, Marionnette, spectacle, scène
Tags 1906, 1900S, Anticipation, Artistry, Audience, Begin, Carpet, Charm, Colors, Connection, Creativity, Delightful, Enchanting, Engagement, Excitement, Experience, Gracefully, Movements, Puppets, Rhythm, Rolled, Spectacle, Vibrant, Wonder
Résumé SPAIN - 1906 - As the electric puppet show begins, the carpet rolls out dramatically, revealing a stage filled with anticipation. The puppets spring to life, dancing gracefully to the rhythm of the music, enchanting the audience with their delightful movements and vibrant colors.