SPAIN - 1906 - In the second act of the electric puppet show, the puppets engage in a playful fight, showcasing their agility and character. Their lively dance moves add a layer of excitement to the performance, captivating everyone in the audience with their comedic flair and antics.

Cote RETARC_173831
Titre SPAIN - 1906 - In the second act of the electric puppet show, the puppets engage in a playful fight, showcasing their agility and character. Their lively dance moves add a layer of excitement to the performance, captivating everyone in the audience with their comedic flair and antics.
Durée 00:00:46
Date de production 1906
Mot clé Célébration, bal, électrique, divertissement, combat, FUN, joie, performance, Marionnette, spectacle
Tags 1906, 1900S, Act, Agility, Antics, Artistry, Audience, Captivating, Character, Charm, Comedic, Connection, Creativity, Each, Engagement, Excitement, Experience, Flair, Humor, Lively, Moves, Other, Playful, Puppets, Rhythm, Spectacle, Spontaneity, Wonder
Résumé SPAIN - 1906 - In the second act of the electric puppet show, the puppets engage in a playful fight, showcasing their agility and character. Their lively dance moves add a layer of excitement to the performance, captivating everyone in the audience with their comedic flair and antics.