USA - 1918 - In a delightful cartoon scene, a dog, cat, and mischievous mouse come together to enjoy a meal. While they eat, the mouse causes playful trouble, leading to a series of funny moments that highlight their unique personalities and the fun of their interactions.

Cote RETARC_173835
Titre USA - 1918 - In a delightful cartoon scene, a dog, cat, and mischievous mouse come together to enjoy a meal. While they eat, the mouse causes playful trouble, leading to a series of funny moments that highlight their unique personalities and the fun of their interactions.
Durée 00:00:30
Date de production 1918
Mot clé aventure, Dessin Animé, chat, chien, manger, énergie, Nourriture, amitié, FUN, joie, Rire, Souris, pièce, TROUBLES
Tags 1918, 1910S, Antics, Charm, Connection, Creativity, Delightful, Engagement, Excitement, Experience, Funny, Humor, Interactions, Meal, Mischievous, Mischief, Moments, Personalities, Rivalry, Storytelling, Together, Trouble, Whimsy
Résumé USA - 1918 - In a delightful cartoon scene, a dog, cat, and mischievous mouse come together to enjoy a meal. While they eat, the mouse causes playful trouble, leading to a series of funny moments that highlight their unique personalities and the fun of their interactions.