Cote |
RETARC_173835 |
Fonds |
Titre |
USA - 1918 - In a delightful cartoon scene, a dog, cat, and mischievous mouse come together to enjoy a meal. While they eat, the mouse causes playful trouble, leading to a series of funny moments that highlight their unique personalities and the fun of their interactions. |
Durée |
00:00:30 |
Date de production |
1918 |
Mot clé |
aventure, Dessin Animé, chat, chien, manger, énergie, Nourriture, amitié, FUN, joie, Rire, Souris, pièce, TROUBLES
Tags |
1918, 1910S, Antics, Charm, Connection, Creativity, Delightful, Engagement, Excitement, Experience, Funny, Humor, Interactions, Meal, Mischievous, Mischief, Moments, Personalities, Rivalry, Storytelling, Together, Trouble, Whimsy |
Résumé |
USA - 1918 - In a delightful cartoon scene, a dog, cat, and mischievous mouse come together to enjoy a meal. While they eat, the mouse causes playful trouble, leading to a series of funny moments that highlight their unique personalities and the fun of their interactions. |