USA - 1918 - In this action-packed cartoon scene, a dog and cat embark on a chaotic chase after a clever mouse. The chase takes a humorous turn when the mouse accidentally tumbles into a bowl of food, leading to a hilarious twist that leaves everyone laughing at the unexpected outcome.

Cote RETARC_173836
Titre USA - 1918 - In this action-packed cartoon scene, a dog and cat embark on a chaotic chase after a clever mouse. The chase takes a humorous turn when the mouse accidentally tumbles into a bowl of food, leading to a hilarious twist that leaves everyone laughing at the unexpected outcome.
Durée 00:00:32
Date de production 1918
Mot clé aventure, Bassine, Dessin Animé, chat, chien, énergie, Nourriture, FUN, joie, Rire, Souris, Twist
Tags 1918, 1910S, Action-Packed, Antics, Charm, Chaotic, Chase, Characters, Clever, Comedy, Creativity, Delight, Engagement, Excitement, Experience, Falls, Humorous, Interaction, Mischief, Outcome, Playfulness, Rivalry, Storytelling, Unexpected, Whimsy
Résumé USA - 1918 - In this action-packed cartoon scene, a dog and cat embark on a chaotic chase after a clever mouse. The chase takes a humorous turn when the mouse accidentally tumbles into a bowl of food, leading to a hilarious twist that leaves everyone laughing at the unexpected outcome.