USA - 1918 - In this amusing cartoon scene, a clever mouse takes a leap into a jar, creating a comical twist. The dog, startled by the sudden move, quickly runs away with the jar, leading to a series of hilarious antics as they navigate the unexpected situation together, showcasing their playful dynamic.

Cote RETARC_173838
Titre USA - 1918 - In this amusing cartoon scene, a clever mouse takes a leap into a jar, creating a comical twist. The dog, startled by the sudden move, quickly runs away with the jar, leading to a series of hilarious antics as they navigate the unexpected situation together, showcasing their playful dynamic.
Durée 00:00:35
Date de production 1918
Mot clé aventure, Dessin Animé, chien, énergie, FUN, Rire, Souris, Twist
Tags 1918, 1910S, Amusing, Antics, Away, Charm, Clever, Comical, Creativity, Delight, Dynamic, Experience, Humor, Interaction, Jar, Jumps, Leap, Navigate, Playful, Rivalry, Runs, Situation, Startled, Storytelling, Unexpected, Whimsy
Résumé USA - 1918 - In this amusing cartoon scene, a clever mouse takes a leap into a jar, creating a comical twist. The dog, startled by the sudden move, quickly runs away with the jar, leading to a series of hilarious antics as they navigate the unexpected situation together, showcasing their playful dynamic.