USA - 1922 - A mischievous cartoon dog causes trouble for a real dog as they both try to catch fish alongside a young boy. The playful antics and humorous interactions create a lively atmosphere, showcasing the fun and chaos that ensues when different worlds collide.

Cote RETARC 173841
Titre USA - 1922 - A mischievous cartoon dog causes trouble for a real dog as they both try to catch fish alongside a young boy. The playful antics and humorous interactions create a lively atmosphere, showcasing the fun and chaos that ensues when different worlds collide.
Durée 00:00:46
Date de production 1922
Mot clé aventure, ambiance, Dessin Animé, chien, poisson, amitié, FUN, joie, TROUBLES
Tags 1922, 1920S, Antics, Catch, Charm, Chaos, Collide, Creativity, Delight, Engagement, Entertaining, Ensues, Excitement, Experience, Humorous, Imagination, Interactions, Lively, Mischievous, Playful, Real, Rivalry, Storytelling, Trouble, Try, Worlds
Résumé USA - 1922 - A mischievous cartoon dog causes trouble for a real dog as they both try to catch fish alongside a young boy. The playful antics and humorous interactions create a lively atmosphere, showcasing the fun and chaos that ensues when different worlds collide.