Chinese Nuclear Testing Film

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Number ADA 8372
Collection Atelier des Archives
Title Chinese Nuclear Testing Film
Duration 00:34:03
Date of production 1966
Keyword Places : China
Index : Nuclear test, Folk danse, Radioactivity, Military barrack, Military base, Military camp, Military training, Military trial, Military, Military strategy, Nuclear, Nuclear research, Atomic bomb, Mushroom cloud, Atomic cloud, programme atomique, Suit, Radiation, Construction site, Worker, Industry, Military industry, Equipment, Cold war, Technology, Military technology, Science, Chenese army, Weapon of war, Cultural revolution, Red guard
Personalities : Mao Tsé Tung, Zhou Enlai
Sound Sonoer
Description Covers emergence of the People's Republic of China as a nuclear power, a status due to their strict adherence to the writings of Chairman Mao according to narration on English sound track. Describes the efforts of the Chinese in preparation and conduction of atomic and thermo-nuclear tests in the mid-1960s, with emphasis on the survival aspects of exposure, protection and devotion to duty displayed by the Peoples Army during the program. Film is liberally seeded with anti-US/Soviet propaganda. All people and equipment shown are Chinese. TITLES AND MAO QUOTES (IN CHINESE). 36' Sunrise. 43' Massive parades of people in Peking and Chairman Mao clapping. 64' AVs terraced farmland. 65' Wheat harvesting. 86' Oil refinery and oil derrick. 95' Milling and forging operations in industry. 103' Freight train going through desert. 109' Truck convoy going through desert. 118' Camp. 122' Troops in camp reading Mao. 136' Site preparation and construction work at test site also shows completed buildings. 171' Troops, workers and engineers setting up and testing equipment at test site. 228' Troops in anti-exposure garb during military training on desert. 242' Troops unreeling fire hoses and climbing tall ladders. 250' Troops in anti-exposure garb treking across desert, arriving at camp and pouring perspiration from suits and boots; then they relax by watching a revolutionary dance troupe, followed by participation in soccer, volleyball, and basketball games. 328' Convoy of trucks and tanks moving across desert. 340' Troops moving MIG-15, test materials and animals into selected positions at test site. 367' Recording instruments at test site. 374' Chinese calendar with date 16 October 1964. 379' Test conductors unlocking master control panel, watching instruments at control center, also shows clock, and flashing lights during countdown. 403' Atomic explosion. 462' Large group of troops jumping and yelling excitedly. 475' Troops in anti-exposure suits departing for collection of material at test area. 500' M1-4 helicopter taxiing. 505' Troops removing test equipment and caged animals from test area, and returning to hearty welcome in village. 543' Mao speaking during celebration in the Great Hall. 552' People grabbing newspapers. 562' Troops preparing trucks for minor exposure to blast, being briefed and psyched up for event. 601' Soldiers with horses, some horses wear gas masks. 610' Release of weather balloon. 616' Troops at observation site. 623' Atomic explosion intercut with blast effect on tent, building and truck. 658' Tanks, cavalry and troops advancing into test area shortly after explosion. 732' Troops and workers posting political banners in camp, reading Mao, and performing routine camp chores. 797' Construction work at test site under adverse conditions (dust storm) in preparation for third test; also classes in political education. 875' Cameras and recording equipment in test control center. 887' Test structure. 893' Agricultural products and animals selected for test exposure. 910' Observers near test site, Chinese flag on staff, instruments in test control center. 940' Thermo-nuclear explosion, mushroom cloud and blast effect on structures. 986' Test animals, structures and crops after exposure. 1,074' Distribution of newspapers followed by people reading reports of the test. 1,129' Chinese newspaper headlines, articles. 1,155' Celebration with fireworks, dancing in the streets. 1,189' Chinese inscription. 1,210' Total footage in reel.
kCatégorie News & Politics