New York's Waterfront

Number TFA-428B
Collection TFA
Title New York's Waterfront
Duration 00:09:17
Date of production 1947
Keyword Places : New York
Index : Port, Sea, Boat, Dock, Model, Ship model, Liner
Available format 4K
Sound Sonoer
Summary Short film with footage from the 1930s of New York Harbor, including crew and passengers aboard the SS Reliance and a trip on the President Roosevelt Staten Island Ferry to visit Sailors' Snug Harbor.
Description 1930s, New York City, Manhattan, New York Harbor, waterfront, docks, ocean liners, passenger ships, steamships, onlookers on pier waving to SS Reliance, liner crew at work, captain, men climbing mast, liner POV Manhattan skyline, tug boats, liner in quarantine being inspected, cleared liner proceeding up harbor, tug boats assisting liner in docking, reporters, photographers and cameramen clambering to interview disembarking celebrity, dockhands, longshoremen, baggage being unloaded, President Roosevelt Staten Island Ferry, ferry POV liners docked at White Star Line piers, Statue of Liberty from wheelhouse, Sailors' Snug Harbor on Staten Island, retired sailors sitting down for meal, playing cards, re
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