USA - 1936 - A Chevrolet salesman sells a customer on adding a deluxe steering wheel and cigarette lighter to his car.

Cote RETCIN 018912
Titre USA - 1936 - A Chevrolet salesman sells a customer on adding a deluxe steering wheel and cigarette lighter to his car.
Durée 00:01:07
Date de production 1936
Mot clé AUTOMOBILES, CARS, commission, conduite, Soldes, tabagisme, trafic, vendange
Tags 1936, 1930S, Accessories, Archival, Automotive, Automobile Industry, Auto Industry, Autos, Car Industry, Car Parts, Car Radios, Car Salesman, Car Lighters, Chevy, Chevrolet, Cigarettes, Components, Customers, Demonstrators, Deluxe, Demonstrations, Drives, Drivers, Lighters, Motorcars, Motorists, Old-Fashioned, Radios, Retro, Salesman, Smokes, Steering, Steers, Steering Wheels
Résumé USA - 1936 - A Chevrolet salesman sells a customer on adding a deluxe steering wheel and cigarette lighter to his car.