1951 - In this western film, a short cowboy (Mickey Rooney) tells a friend about his bad luck with women.

Cote RETCIN 018953
Titre 1951 - In this western film, a short cowboy (Mickey Rooney) tells a friend about his bad luck with women.
Durée 00:00:36
Date de production 1951
Mot clé Cinéma, Cowboy, Datte, divertissement, fiction, pellicule, altitude, cheval, amour, film, production, Equitation, Western
Tags 1951, 1950, Backward, Black And White, Border Town, Cheap, Dating, Feature Film, Fictional, Frontier, Frontiersmen, Horseback, Horseback Riding, Horseback Rider, In Love, Lawmen, Low Budget, Mickey Rooney, Outlaw, Ranger, Romance, Romantic, Short
Résumé 1951 - In this western film, a short cowboy (Mickey Rooney) tells a friend about his bad luck with women.