It is shown that personalities develop from a young age (a girl pushes a boy away at a swing set) into teenage years, as illustrated by a group of different students in 1948.

Cote RETARC 164983
Titre It is shown that personalities develop from a young age (a girl pushes a boy away at a swing set) into teenage years, as illustrated by a group of different students in 1948.
Durée 00:00:31
Date de production 1948
Mot clé bébé, enfant, enfance, famille, père, fille, Nourrisson, Tricot, mère, nouveau-né, parent, personnalité, école, social, fils, étudiant, adolescent
Tags 1940, 1948, Children, Child Development, Dad, Early Child Development, Familial, Family Relationships, Human Development, Infancy, Kid, Knit, Mom, Mothering, Offspring, Parenting, Personality Development, Playground, Swing Set, Teen
Résumé It is shown that personalities develop from a young age (a girl pushes a boy away at a swing set) into teenage years, as illustrated by a group of different students in 1948.