A montage shows a baby's basic needs, such as breast milk and being allowed to soil itself in 1948.

Cote RETARC 164985
Titre A montage shows a baby's basic needs, such as breast milk and being allowed to soil itself in 1948.
Durée 00:00:54
Date de production 1948
Mot clé bébé, Sein, Allaitement, enfant, enfance, famille, père, Nourrisson, lait, mère, nouveau-né, parent, personnalité, fils
Tags 1940, 1948, Breastfeed, Breast Milk, Children, Child Development, Dad, Diaper, Early Child Development, Familial, Family Relationships, Feeding, Feed, Human Development, Infancy, Kid, Mom, Mothering, Nursing, Offspring, Parenting, Personality Development, Suckling, Suckle
Résumé A montage shows a baby's basic needs, such as breast milk and being allowed to soil itself in 1948.