USA - 11.20.2023 - Exterior of a police station on a sunny day with trucks and cars driving by.

Cote RETSS 032601
Titre USA - 11.20.2023 - Exterior of a police station on a sunny day with trucks and cars driving by.
Durée 00:00:14
Date de production 2023
Mot clé Amérique, Etats-Unis, USA
américain, CARS, conduite, police, commissariat, trafic
Tags 2020S, 2023, Blue Sky, Clear Skies, Clear Sky, Cops, Day, Daytime, Drives, Estab1ish, Establisher, Establishing Shot, Exterior, Law Enforcement, Law And Order, Law Enforcement Officers, Outside, Outdoors, Police Department, Police Officers, Trucks, United States Of America
Résumé USA - 11.20.2023 - Exterior of a police station on a sunny day with trucks and cars driving by.