Cote ADA 7983
Fonds Atelier des Archives
Durée 00:06:01
Date de production 25/10/1962
Format disponible HD
Son Sonore
Résumé The United States answer to what Adlai Stevenson calls in the United Nations: "Soviet blackmail" is a quarantine of all offensive weapons being shipped from Russia to the island fortress. The U.S. throws up a steel fence, prepared to stop any vessel carrying materials of war.
In Cuba itself 100,000 men are on emergency orders as they have been during past invasion scares. The waterfront in Havana and along other parts of the coast bristle with gun emplacements as the Cuban regime waits to see what their Kremlin bosses were to do.

The United States arrived at the decision after studying reconnaissance photographs made with high-powered cameras. Here are three examples.

In the greatest display of hemisphere solidarity since World War II the OAS unanimously endorses the actions of the United States.

Meanwhile, the U.S. continues to reinforce its Cuban base at Guantanamo Bay.

The United States goes to the UN Security Council for a resolution calling for a withdrawal of all offensive weapons from Cuba after President Kennedy refuses to withdraw our arms blockade before the bases are demolished.