Summary |
Army TV series marks end of sixth year of programming in latest episode -- With this issue of THE BIG PICTURE, the Army's weekly television series marks the end of its sixth year of programming. In observing this occasion, THE BIG PICTURE has prepared a reissue of its first program, and perhaps best remembered documentary of the Korean War, "The First Forty Days." Although the title has been changed to "Brush Fire -- Korea," this is a story of how a handful of men were locked in bitter combat with a ruthless enemy army of 5 divisions. A soldier of the Army Infantry tells the dramatic story of our first forty days in Korea--a glowing tribute to the officers and men of the 24th Infantry Division. Since the time when this first THE BIG PICTURE went on the air, there have been many revolutionary changes in the organization of the Army. The war in Korea hastened the development of this modern Army, which has come a long, long way from those first grim days when North Korean forces suddenly crossed the 38th Parallel. Korea was called by various names -- "Brush Fire," "Police Action" -- but to the men who fought there, it was war. |