1915 - In this historical war drama film, a group of soldiers stand up from a table to greet a woman who has just walked into the room.

Number RETCIN 019232
Collection RETCIN
Title 1915 - In this historical war drama film, a group of soldiers stand up from a table to greet a woman who has just walked into the room.
Duration 00:00:22
Date of production 1915
Keyword Beard, Female, Military, Stand, STAND UP, Table, Uniform, War, Woman
Tags 1915, 1910S, Address, Admiring, Admire, Around, Chairs, Drama, Enjoy, Enjoying, Fancy, Get Up, Greeting, Greet, Historical, Looking, Looks, Male, Men, Mustache, Respect, Rise, Rubbing, Rub, Sitting, Soldiers, Stroking, Strokes, Together
Summary 1915 - In this historical war drama film, a group of soldiers stand up from a table to greet a woman who has just walked into the room.