1945 - In this crime drama film, a man interrupts another man who is reading to convince him to go out with him to a bar.

Number RETCIN 019240
Collection RETCIN
Title 1945 - In this crime drama film, a man interrupts another man who is reading to convince him to go out with him to a bar.
Duration 00:00:17
Date of production 1945
Keyword Alcohol, Bar, Beer, Book, Crime, Drink, Literature, Man, Reading, Tie
Tags 1940S, 1945, Ask, Asking, Beers, Beverage, Convince, Convincing, Demanding, Demand, Drama, Dress Shirt, Drinks, Going, Interrupted, Interrupts, Male, Men, Out, Outside, Reads, Together
Summary 1945 - In this crime drama film, a man interrupts another man who is reading to convince him to go out with him to a bar.