1926 -In this silent comedy, a couple on a ship is facing a group of men who followed them there. The man fights them one by one and after each knockout, he kisses his girlfriend passionately.

Number RETCIN 019279
Collection RETCIN
Title 1926 -In this silent comedy, a couple on a ship is facing a group of men who followed them there. The man fights them one by one and after each knockout, he kisses his girlfriend passionately.
Duration 00:01:09
Date of production 1926
Keyword Barrel, Beard, Boat, Bucket, Captain, Couple, Fight, Group, Harbor, Hug, Kiss, Love, Ocean, Passion, People, Port, Rope, Sea, Ship, Water, Woman, Wood
Tags 1926, 1920S, Balustrade, Boots, Challenging, Challenge, Close, Comedy, Embrace, Fighting, Fist Fight, Funny, Hats, Hugging, In Love, Kissing, Knock Out, Ladder, Lips, Long Beard, Men, Newsboy Caps, Opponent, Passionate, Punching, Punch, Railing, Scenic, Struggling, Struggle, Suits, Together, Unconscious, Vessel
Summary 1926 -In this silent comedy, a couple on a ship is facing a group of men who followed them there. The man fights them one by one and after each knockout, he kisses his girlfriend passionately.